Title VI Native American Parent Advisory Committee Meeting (Pioneer Rm #2 & via Google Meet)
- What
- Title VI Native American Parent Advisory Committee Meeting (Pioneer Rm #2 & via Google Meet)
- When
- 10/8/2024, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Greetings Title VI Native American Parent Advisory Committee Members & Supporters!
We invite you to join our committee and to our first meeting of the academic year on Tuesday, September 10th, at Pioneer Middle School in Rm #2, from 4:00-5:00! Please note that in the past we have always met at Pioneer in Classroom Rm #1 but will now be meeting in Rm #2. We want to thank all of our past Parents & Caregivers & members who have been a part of this amazing committee and have organized wonderful events for our Native American students including Incentive Luncheons and our Native American Senior Dinner. Thank you so so much! We hope to continue to collaborate with our previous parents and caregivers as well as invite new folks to join us! For our first meeting, we will be going over activities planned for 2024-25, a possible field trip for our students to Porterville College, nominating vacant officer positions such as a student representative,
we will be soliciting folks to run for officer positions and
If you're new and are wondering what a Title VI Parent Advisory Committee is it is a group of parents and caregivers who advise on programs and services for Porterville Unified's Native American Students. So, we hope you can join us and if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Noemi Reyes (Comp Ed Dept) at 793-2447 or [email protected].
Important Note: In the past, parents & caregivers have had the opportunity to attend our meetings in person or join us via Zoom. This year we will continue to meet in person as well as invite those who cannot attend in person to join us via Google Meet. So if you plan to participate remotely, please download the Google Meet App or join us by logging into the following Google Meet link:
Google Meet joining info:
Video link: https://meet.google.com/tya-zgvg-ttg
Or dial: (US) +1 417-647-1283 PIN: 880 212 632#